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Our Curriculum


Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Provision

At Sussex Road we put children's wellbeing at the heart of all we do. We believe that children who feel safe and valued will want to learn and will succeed.

We believe that each individual child should be considered according to their unique circumstances and life experiences.

We use the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model as a starting point for understanding the differing needs of our pupils and their capacity to fulfil their potential.



Tiered Approach to Wellbeing Provision
  • Universal high quality whole school provision
  • Targeted approaches for individuals or small groups
  • Specialist provision involving wider strategies and external agencies

Tier 1 - Universal High Quality Whole School Provision

We have a whole school approach to our provision for well-being which involves all members of the school community. We use the 5 Steps to Mental Health Programme advocated by the Anna Freud national centre for children and families.

This programme identifies a whole school approach across five areas.

Staff have received training to understand how to identify and support pupil wellbeing through using the CARE and Psychological First Aid models. You can find out more about the 5 Steps Programme here.


Sussex Road Wellbeing Team

We have a school well-being team of staff who promote and support our pupils and staff to maintain healthy wellbeing. The team includes:


  • Amanda Flaherty: Assistant Headteacher / Inclusion leader and Senior Mental Health Lead
  • Kate Cawker: SEN assistant teacher and pastoral support
  • Vanessa Moon: Support staff advocate for pupil wellbeing
  • Julie Routh: Support staff advocate for staff wellbeing
  • Debs Holliday - Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner (NHS)
  • Rebecca Cobby: Qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

     and ... Benji – our Wellbeing Cockapoo!



Zones of Regulation

At Sussex Road, we use a common language to describe and respond to our emotions. Teachers greet children in their class with a wellbeing check each morning using the Zones of Regulation tool. Children are invited to indicate their emotion zone and to give a reason if they are not in the green zone. We consider the green zone to be the optimal zone for learning and wellbeing. If children are not in the green zone, we will encourage them to make pro-active choices to emotionally regulate. Each class has a display with suggestions of calming activities that can support children to emotionally regulate. For some children, we use the Zones of Regulation tool as a basis for creating individual behaviour support plans. We encourage all families to use the Zones of Regulation tool at home to share our language about emotions. Emotional regulation is an essential life skill.


Tier 2 - Targeted Approaches for Individuals and Small Groups

We use a number of targeted approaches including:

  • Resilience conversations which identify areas of strength and challenge for pupils
  • CBT approaches using a  Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviour model
  • Containment principles which support emotional regulation
  • Restorative conversations to explore the thoughts and feelings of others and ourselves
  • Wellbeing sessions for individual pupils with our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) or SEN assistant teacher. The effectiveness of these interventions are evaluated using assessment tools such as the CORC Wellbeing Measurement Framework and SDQ. These are evidence-based tools advocated by the Anna Freud Centre for Families and Children. Outcomes of wellbeing interventions are shared with parents.
  • PSHE curriculum, Circle Time and related aspects of the Science curriculum
  • Targeted training to develop staff understanding of specific needs
  • Changes made to school timetable, routines or curriculum to adapt to individual needs
  • Supervision sessions for individual members of staff

Tier 3 - Specialist Provision Involving Wider Strategies and External Agencies

We support families, parents, pupils and staff to access specialist provision in the following ways:

  • Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team (Education Mental Health Practitioners) NHS
  • Early Help and the early prevention teams
  • School Nurse Emotional Health Team
  • Kent Resilience Hub
  • Specialist Teaching Service
  • Specialist Health and CAMHS teams
  • Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service (DAVSS)
  • Young Carers
  • Education Support Charity (Staff Wellbeing Service

The Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team

Emotional Wellbeing Teams are a government initiative also known nationally as Mental Health Support Teams. EWTs are specially trained to help children at school with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. The teams provide support to all children in the school, and work together with everyone in the school community to promote a ‘whole school approach’ to emotional wellbeing and mental health. The team also work with children and their parents/carers in group or individual sessions to support with specific concerns.

Our Emotional Wellbeing team practitioner is Debs Holliday. Debs provides parent workshops on a range of topics. The wider teams offer a termly menu of courses and programmes of support. Please see the termly offer here. 

You can learn more about the work of the teams in primary schools by following this video link


Useful Links and Resources




Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367